Ideal Body Weight Calculator
Use this Ideal Body Weight Calculator to calculate your ideal body weight (IBW) in pounds or kilograms, based on your height and your gender. The calculator employs the most well-known equations to calculate your IBW.
To calculate your ideal body weight using our IBW calculator, complete the following simple steps:
- 1. Choose the measurement system (imperial or metric)
- 2. Select your gender
- 3. Input your height in either feet and inches or centimeters
- 4. Select the IBW equation you would like to use
- 5. Click the "Calculate" button to generate the results.
Ideal Body Weight Formulas
The equations to compute your ideal body weight (IBW) are listed below:
The Broca equation
Women: IBW [kg] = (height[cm] - 100) - ((height[cm] - 100) × 15%)
Men: IBW [kg] = (height[cm] - 100) - ((height[cm] - 100) × 10%)
The Robinson equation
Women: IBW [kg] = 49 kg + 1.7 kg × (height[in] - 60)
Men: IBW [kg] = 52 kg + 1.9 kg × (height[in] - 60)
The Devine equation
Women: IBW [kg] = 45.5 kg + 2.3 kg × (height[in] - 60)
Men: IBW [kg] = 50 kg + 2.3 kg × (height[in] - 60)
The Miller equation
Women: IBW [kg] = 53.1 kg + 1.36 kg × (height[in] - 60)
Men: IBW [kg] = 56.2 kg + 1.41 kg × (height[in] - 60)
The Hamwi equation
Women: IBW [kg] = 45.5 kg + 2.2 kg × (height[in] - 60)
Men: IBW [kg] = 48 kg + 2.7 kg × (height[in] - 60)
The Lemmens equation
Women, Men: IBW [kg] = 22 × height[m] 2
BMI range equation
IBWmin [kg] = (18.5 / 703) × height[in] 2
IBWmax [kg] = (24.9 / 703) × height[in] 2
Reference: Peterson, C. M., Thomas, D. M., Blackburn, G. L., & Heymsfield, S. B. (2016). Universal equation for estimating ideal body weight and body weight at any BMI. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 103(5), 1197–1203.
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